Our mission: As an act of justice, we empower SPU students and alumni from 所有 backgrounds to design 目的ful lives and careers.


Class of 2019 Outcomes (562 respondents)


Graduation Success Rate



Average Starting Salary



Total Number of 雇主 who Employed 2019 Grads



Of Undergraduate 学生 Completed at Least One Internship


握手 for 学生, 校友 and 雇主

握手 can help you learn about on-campus jobs, 勤工助学, and local volunteer opportunities, as well as increase your exposure to national and global opportunities, including 95 percent of Fortune 500 companies.

通路U: powered by jobZology

Introducing 通路U

Use this science-based online career guidance tool to predict your “fit” in a major and career that will bring joy, 目的, and meaning to your life.

职业生涯发射 Program

Introducing 职业生涯发射

职业生涯发射 helps students create professional relationships and launch effective job and internship searches in the hidden job market, especi所有y for students with few or no connections.

Make a one-on-one appointment

If you are an SPU student or alum, we invite you to schedule an appointment with a career counselor:

  • in person at the CCC前台.
  • by phone at 206-281-2485.
  • 在你的 握手 account by clicking “Career Center” and then “Appointments.”

An SPU student meets with a career counselor | Photo by Lynn Anselmi

Explore your career and c所有ing

Find out how you can discern your c所有ing, understand and articulate your strengths and interests, explore career options, 和更多的.

Learn more >

An SPU student looks through job postings on her laptop | photo by Lynn Anselmi

Find a job or internship

Our resources will help you find opportunities and meet employers, from your first year at SPU until after graduation.

Learn more >

SPU business graduate students work on a group project | Photo by Dan Sheehan

Consider graduate school

Use our online resources to get general advice, or make an appointment to have a professional career counselor edit your application materials.

Learn more >

An SPU student meets with a mentor | Photo by Lynn Anselmi


If you’re a parent, SPU校友, or a local businessperson, you can help SPU students and alumni by sharing your career experiences and expertise one-on-one.

Learn more >