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Whenever you send a résumé to a potential employer, be sure to include a carefully crafted cover letter.

Why a cover letter?

Why is a cover letter important? 就像简历一样,求职信的目的是让你获得面试机会.


  • Your strong interest in the position 和 employer.
  • Your keen underst和ing of what the position entails.
  • 通过讲故事,你的技能如何与组织的需求联系起来.

虽然简历的目的是告知并强调你的职业经历, 求职信可以讲述有趣的故事,有说服力,并展示个性.

求职信通常会成为潜在雇主对你的第一印象. A well-写 cover letter adds professionalism, a personal touch, 和一个 competitive edge to your job search.

Cover letter overview

How to write a cover letter


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Basic cover letter 结构

[使用 same header from your résumé here. 它们是一组!]

Dear [Hiring 管理r Name]/Hiring 管理r:

Don't use: "To Whom it May Concern" or "Dear Sir or Madam."

Introduction (1 paragraph)

  • Say why you’re writing, the specific position 为 which you’re applying, how you learned of the opening. 
  • 表达你对这个特定组织的了解,以及你的激情和兴趣是如何与它的工作相结合的.
  • Name why you’re a strong fit 为 this role, 介绍你将在正文段落中讨论的主要技能(把它当成求职信的主题).

Body (1-2 paragraphs)


  • 在每个段落中,突出与职位相关的技能/经验.
  • 从一个主题句开始,建立你们将要谈论的content:
    • 1st body paragraph: 开始我有丰富的团队管理经验,可以胜任这个职位.”
    • 2nd body paragraph: 此外, 我使用数据和分析来扩大出版物读者群的背景会帮助我成为华盛顿的副主编.”
  • 讲述你过去是如何使用这项技能的,以及你如何能对他们做同样的事情. Use this 结构 to tell your stories:  
    • 问题: What was the problem/challenging situation at h和? Briefly set up the context so we can be in the room 和你在一起.
    • 行动: Wh在一个ction did you take?
    • 结果: What were the results (numbers are great!)? What did you learn from the experience?
  • Don’t just repeat the same in为mation found in your résumé!
  • This section can be 写 in sentences or bullets.

Conclusion (1 paragraph)

  • Thank the employer 为 their time 和 consideration.
  • Establish your next step(s) (e.g.,下周联系他们,看能否安排面试).


[Your H和写 Signature]

[Type Your Name]

Cover letter examples

Formatting basics

  • 限制 一个页面.
  • Format your cover letter to match your résumé (i.e., font, header, colors, etc.).
  • When emailing, send as a pdf.

Deeper dive: How to build an excellent cover letter



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How to tailor your cover letter to a specific job

Highlight key words in the job description, paying particular attention to the Requirements/Qualifications section. (你不必猜测——这个部分是他们确切地告诉你他们在找什么!) See example in sample job posting below.

列出他们希望你具备的全部或部分资质. 如果他们要求你在一个领域有3年的工作经验,而你只有1年,这仍然很有价值! Or if they’re asking 为 a certain type of software expertise, you know something similar, 数,! List any experience you have that’s relevant to the job, 不要把自己局限于只申请那些你符合所有要求的工作.

See example in sample cover letter below—end of the first paragraph.

使用上面基本求职信结构中讨论的问题-行动-结果结构. See example in sample cover letter below.

Example: job description 与 tailored cover letter 和 résumé

Associate Editor, Washington

城市媒体 - 西雅图,华盛顿州 98109 (Queen Anne area)

TheCitiesMedia.com is currently looking 为 a motivated 和 passionate Associate EditorStart by highlighting key words in the job posting. 学习雇主说的语言,这样你就可以在你的材料中使用一些! to join our rapidly exp和ing editorial 团队. 编辑将在网易彩票app在美国西部的发展中发挥重要作用,重点是西雅图和华盛顿.

We are seeking a storyteller 谁 loves Washington 状态 和 wants to express it through the creation of 引人入胜的, 能认同, inspiring content.

城市媒体 Editors are 雄心勃勃的independent thinkersknow what 千禧一代 care 网易彩票app. 网易彩票app的编辑希望《网易彩票下载》成为其所在社区的最佳信息来源, whether it’s breaking down new legislation,凸显 extraordinary local figures 和 good deeds, or spreading the word 网易彩票app hidden waterfalls that everyone should visit once in their life.



这是一个 entry-level contracted position (full-time). The position is based in 西雅图, 但副主编必须能够与全国各地的作家和编辑密切合作. Compensation will be commensurate 与 experience.


TheCitiesMedia.com’s goal is to in为m, inspire, entertain 18 to 39-year-olds 网易彩票app their world. 网易彩票app是 top millennial publisher in Australia10 million unique users per month 网易彩票app exp和ing to the U.S. 今年.


  • Researching, assigning, 编辑, occasionally writing articles
  • Responsible 为 the growth of users 和 页面浏览量 in the state
  • Hiring, training 和 leading a 团队 of writers
  • Ensuring all in为mation is 适当的引用factually accurate
  • 发展中 content strategies to ensure stable growth 在你的州
  • Analyzing data 和 分析, seeking to increase reader 订婚 和 retention


  • 异常 verbal 和 写 English 技能
  • 1年 professional 编辑 experience 在一个 数字 news publisher 和一个 学士 degree in Journalism, Communications, or a related field
  • A passion 为 a mix of 研究数据 & 分析, local news, management
  • An obsession 与 紧迫的期限 和 团队 brainstorming
  • The ability to spot catchy, unique, inspiring angles while staying true to the 城市的声音


206-888-6653. garciaj@heedson.com |西雅图,WA. linkedin.com/josepgarcia


  • 优秀的 口头英语 沟通 技能 与 diverse audiences.
  • 2 +年 编辑 experience at 2 数字 news publishers, including managing staff.
  • Extensive experience 研究分析 出版 data to grow readership.
  • 激情西雅图-area news 和 delivering 千禧一代 引人入胜的, inspiring content.
  • Strength 为 meeting 紧迫的期限, working well both in 团队独立.
花点时间将这部分content与职位描述仔细地结合起来,这样雇主才会继续阅读. 使用ir key words!"


Bachelor of Arts in Communication


西雅图 Pacific University, 西雅图,华盛顿州.

  • Minor in Business Administration | Overall GPA: 3.75.


February - May 20XX

School 为 International Training, Dakar, Senegal.

  • Studied Senegalese arts 和 Wolof language, 同时与当地寄宿家庭生活并成功建立关系(所有日常活动和课程均为法语).
  • Completed 2-week independent study 网易彩票app life at men’s monastery, including 30-page report 和 presentation.


西雅图周刊, 西雅图,华盛顿州.

Dec 20XX-present


  • Collaborate 与 数字 editor to produce monthly 数字 content calendar 为 major weekly 西雅图 news 和 culture 出版 (primary audience ages 22-40).
  • 评论网站 分析 与 editor weekly, exploring strategies to grow 订婚.
  • 头脑风暴 strategies 与 数字 团队 of 6 weekly to produce 能认同, inspiring content 网易彩票app 西雅图 life, particularly focused on 千禧一代.
  • 编辑 site 独立 为 one week, 编辑 和 uploading articles 为 6 writers, composing headlines to SEO st和ards, managing social media (Twitter & Instagram).
  • Write 3-4 news, arts, culture articles 为 西雅图Weekly.com each week, meeting all deadlines. Articles get average of 1,800 unique 页面浏览量 每周.

猎鹰:网易彩票下载的独立学生报纸, 西雅图,华盛顿州.


September 20XX-present

  • 管理 团队 of 18 writers 为 bi-weekly 数字 university newspaper, mentoring them to write 引人入胜的, 能认同、清晰 content 为 student body, meeting all deadlines.
  • Examine site 和 social media 分析 与 staff weekly, developing content strategies to increase 参与ment 和 retention; have increased readership 15% during editorship.
  • 主持每两个月30分钟的播客,讨论当地影响学生的主要问题.


September 20XX-6月20日xx

  • 管理网易彩票下载人员,每两周为3-5位作者编辑引人入胜的相关文章.


M.E.Ch.A at 西雅图 Pacific University, 副总裁, 西雅图,华盛顿州.

September 20XX-present

  • 管理扶轮社的活动,以提高对西班牙及拉丁社区及文化的认识及参与.

Rainier Youth Camp, Teen Boys Counselor, 西雅图,华盛顿州.

Summers 20XX, 20XX


206-888-6653. garciaj@heedson.com |西雅图,WA. linkedin.com/josepgarcia

14 September 20XX


All Cities Editor
555 Blumark Ave, Unit 101
NewYork, NY 10001

Dear 玛丽莲•史密斯:

我很高兴申请城市媒体在华盛顿的副编辑职位.com. My passion is sharing 引人入胜的 西雅图-地区网易彩票下载 千禧一代 总之, 能认同 道路. I think I’m an excellent fit 为 this role because of my 2 years of 团队 management experience as a 数字 editor, my extensive background using 研究分析 to grow 出版 readership.

  • 表达 热情 为工作
  • 状态 interest/passion th在一个ligns 与 organization's values
  • 介绍 2 .顶级技能 you'll discuss in letter

首先,我丰富的团队管理经验将使我能够胜任这个职位. As one example, as editor-in-chief of “猎鹰” university newspaper 为 the last year, 我一直负责带领18名员工生产质量 content weekly 为 our diverse student body of 4,000. With our staff’s wealth of different backgrounds 和 perspectives, 我知道,如果网易彩票app有计划,网易彩票app可以为SPU的学生提供更多的价值 content together than if I did it alone. 因此, at the beginning of last year, 我与每位作家单独会面,了解他们的写作兴趣, 订婚了 每周一次 团队 brainstorming meetings where we assigned articles together. In June, the staff told me they felt valued by the 团队 和 empowered to grow 和 express themselves fully at “猎鹰”. In addition, our readership that year increased 15%. 

Paragraphs 2–3: In each of your 2 middle paragraphs, tell a story to showcase a skill mentioned in paragraph 1. 使用 问题, 行动, 结果 结构. Don't just repeat your resume; give more details to bring the reader "in the rooom" of the experience 和你在一起.

此外, my background using data分析 扩大 出版 我的读者群会让我成为华盛顿的副主编. For example, as a 数字 intern at 西雅图周刊, 今年夏天,数字编辑不在的时候,我有一个星期的时间独立编辑这个网站. I was responsible 为 编辑 每天上传6位作者的文章,以及管理Twitter和Instagram账户. 当我注意到早上发布的几篇文章的浏览量没有我预期的那么多时, 我中午改变了标题,以更接近SEO标准, saw increased traffic in the afternoon. I also modified my social media posting times to promote more 订婚, which increased 30% by the end of the week.

Thank you very much 为 your time 和 consideration. Please let me know if you have any questions, 下周我会给你发邮件,看看网易彩票app能否安排一次面试.

第四段: Thank the employer. Let them know you will follow up to request to schedule an interview.



Common cover letter mistakes

  • Too generic: Not tailoring 为 specific job.
  • Failing to show evidence of employer 研究 和 knowledge of job.
  • Tries to include too much. Reads like a “greatest hits” from the résumé, 不要(通过故事)描绘出你能带给他们的技能.
  • Focusing on what you need or want versus what you can contribute.
  • Spelling 和 grammatical errors.
  • Repeating in为mation.
  • Making it too brief or too wordy.
  • Omitting contact in为mation.

提示: Read your cover letter out loud. This can help you catch awkward phrasing.